The TUI interface is a work in progress. Drawing graphs in a terminal (without mouse) is more difficult than it seem, I'm actively working on creating better bindings to make as s smooth as when using a mouse.
- mouse emulation
- differences
- dialogs
- manpage
Asciio TUI and Vim
You can call Asciio from vim and insert your diagram.
map <leader><leader>a :call TAsciio()<cr>
function! TAsciio()
let line = getline('.')
let tempn = tempname()
let tempnt = tempn . '.txt'
let temp = shellescape(tempn)
let tempt = shellescape(tempnt)
exec "normal i Asciio_file:" . tempn . "\<Esc>"
if ! has("gui_running")
exec "silent !mkdir -p $(dirname " . temp . ")"
exec "silent !cp ~/.config/Asciio/templates/empty.asciio ". temp . "; tasciio " . temp . "; asciio_to_text " . temp . " >" . tempt
exec "read " . tempnt