Stencils and "Drag And Drop"


You can access Stencils via "Drag and Drop".

Asciio has bindings to open stencils in a separate instance

Start Binding: is

Then uses one of the following keys:

sselect from user stencils in $HOME/.config/Asciio/stencils/
dopen stencil 'default_stencil.asciio' from current directory
aselect stencil from your computer
0open 'elements.asciio' from $HOME/.config/Asciio/stencils/
1open 'computer.asciio' from $HOME/.config/Asciio/stencils/
2open 'people.asciio' from $HOME/.config/Asciio/stencils/
3open 'buildings.asciio' from $HOME/.config/Asciio/stencils/

user stencils

User stencils are plain Asciio files.

The distribution contains a few asciio stencils in "setup/Stencils/*.asciio", copy the ones you want to your $HOME/.config/Asciio/stencils.

You can create a new stencil directly from the file picker, just type the name of the new stencil and open it.

Drag and Drop

Binding: control + left click + drag

Asciio elementsAsciioAsciio
Asciio elementsAsciiotext applications
Texttext applicationsAsciio
URLsURL aplicationsAsciio

Drag And Drop