Executing your script

From the command line

The script is a normal perl script.

perl my_asciio_script.pl

From within Asciio

Binding: «:!»

Pick the file you want to execute.

Or pass it on the command line

asciio -s full_path_to_script

Via Asciio's Web server

You can POST scripts via HTTP.

Asciio runs a web server at port 4444; you can change the port with --port other_port.

script commands

POST http://localhost:4444/script script="add '1', new_box, 0, 0 ;"

You can have multiple commands in your script.

script file

POST http://localhost:4444/script_file script="path_to_script"

connecting to Asciio Web server

  • directly from your application
  • via a command line application like xh (https://github.com/ducaale/xh) or httpie.
  • piping to stdin_to_asciio script which is installed with asciio (uses xh).


# bash script that adds an element to an asciio instance, offsets it, and deletes it

# create a script to add one element, the script can contain many scripting commands
# httpie has a large startup time, use xh instead

script= ; for i in $(seq 1) ; do script="$script add '1', new_box(TEXT_ONLY =>'$i'),  $((($i - 1) * 6)),  $((($i - 1) * 4)) ;" ; done

# execute the script
xh -f POST http://localhost:4444/script script="$script"

# offset the element
for i in $(seq 25) ; do sleep .05 ; xh  -f POST http://localhost:4444/script script="offset '1', 1, 1 ;" ; done

# delete the element
xh  -f POST http://localhost:4444/script script="delete_by_name '1' ;"